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Since 25/ 5/ 2018 the new regulation is put in practice regarding the personal data protection, with the main view to supporting this protection in all countries members of the E.U.
Technological developments as well as globalisation have brought up new challenges as far as the personal data protection is concerned. Being a part of daily life of individuals they contribute to it or because they are necessary for the commercial and functional activity of the businesses and of the economy as a whole.
Nevertheless, the protection of the individuals regarding the procedure of their personal data is a fundamental right of each person and for this reason they should have a full control and access to them.

For our hotel the personal data protection is a basic principle and a trust factor for our employees, clients and our suppliers.
Our hotel respecting the new regulation and your personal data proceeds to its direct application. Concerning this, we inform you about the basic points of this regulation, in order to continue our cooperation.

As far as our cooperation is concerned, we gather and proceed data of personal feature with a view to a better organization of our relation, your service and information.
Information - Data gathered are an example of:
  • Personal Features of clients (e.g. First Name, Last Name, Sex, ID, e-mail, phone number, way of payment, etc.).
  • Video from the places publicly used which are monitored for security reasons. For the assurance of legal interests of our hotel, there is a Closed-Circuit Television so as to ensure the security of the places, of the personnel as well as of our clients.
 In every case we gather data only after your own consent. Also, these are not transferred or transmitted to others, without your previous permission. Of course, their transfer is possible to others or to operators in order not to be submitted in malfunction during the execution of our agreements.

Your personal data are gathered and used for specific and particularly mentioned purposes. Especially:
  1. For the administration of your booking (reservation application and its execution)
  2. For the confirmation of your information so as to check that the data are exact. This procedure is considered necessary for the proceeding of your booking within our hotel or for the supply of other services.
  3. For the issue and collection of the legal documents according to the applicable tax legislation.
Personal Data that are observed in our hotel can be possibly proceeded only by the employees of our hotel as well as by the executors of the procedure. 
Especially they are likely to be handed over restrictively:
  • To Public Judicial and Prosecutorial Authorities
  • To operators with whom there is a cooperation of our hotel during the organization of various events
  • To members and representatives of the hotel such as service providers and co partners
  • To legal services of the hotel or to police authorities.
  • To external co-partners of our hotel
It is noted that possible procedure of your personal data from the above is done within the necessary limits for the accomplishment of the assigned purposes.
In case the transmission of the data is necessary for the founding, execution or support of the lawful claims in court or not the legal interest of our company outweighs, and it is not possible the satisfaction of the objection right that you may exercise.  Also, in case that you consider that your personal data are offended, you can submit at any time complaint to the Protection of  Personal Data Authority (www.dpa.gr).

We preserve your personal data for as long as it is necessary in order to correspond and fulfill the above our mentioned purposes.
Firstly, these features will be preserved during and until the ending of our cooperation. Consequently, after the ending we proceed to their erasure. Only by exception, will we continue to proceed the personal data after the ending and specifically
  1. For statistical purposes
  2. Information that is necessary in order to correspond to our legal imposed obligations
  3. Data which are necessary for the execution of our legal claims
Our hotel keeps an archive with personal data as long as it is necessary for the accomplishment of its above descripted purposes and according to the law and it concerns the taxation or the legal obligations or the law enforcement in general. Your features are used exclusively for the above purposes, for our commercial or conventional cooperation matters. You can revoke freely all or any of the following consents any time. The revocation of the consent does not offend the legality of the procedure already done. You can, any time, in written to our company to exercise the following rights:  

  1. Access Right: You have the possibility to be informed about the collection and procedure of your personal data by our hotel, as well as the right to receive a copy of those.
  2. Rectification Right: You have the right to proceed to information and rectification of any possible errors regarding your personal data.
  3. Erasure Right: You are likely to claim the erasure of your data by our hotel. By exception, we can deny the erasure according to the present legislation.
  4. Procedure Limitation Right: You have the right to claim the limitation of the procedure of your personal data by our hotel.
  5. Portability Right: You have the right to receive in structured, widely used and mechanical readable form, your personal data which you have given to us regarding yourself.
  6. Objection Right: You have the right to object to the procedure of your data regarding specific purposes e.g. commercial, advertising, statistical.
For any information related to the privacy policy of our hotel, as well as the execution of the above mentioned and described rights of yours, you can contact Mrs Natassa Kaperoni who is in charge of the personal data protection in the email natassa@poseidon-hotels.gr or by phoning to (+30)2610241313/2610671602
In any case, you may proceed into complaint before the Personal Data Authority since you consider that the collection and procedure of your data is done by transgression of the current legislation.
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Poseidon Hotel is situated at a distance of just 14 km from the center of Patras, in Kaminia of Achaia, by the Old National Patras-Pyrgos Highway Road

Address: Kaminia of Patras, Patra Greece, P.C.: 25002
Phone: +30 2610 671602
Fax: +30 2610 671646
Ε-Mail: info@poseidon-hotels.gr

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